Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FSC38 Black & Orange Challenge

First, I would like to say how happy I am to join the Flower Soft Design Team.  This is going to be so much fun!  Some of you may already know that I actually work in the office @ Flower Soft.  I may have even met you this past summer @ CHA.  I have also been a card maker for around 15 years, which is how I initially found Flower Soft.  I purchased my first jar @ a local show & have been a loyal fan ever since.  So now on to my first official challenge.   For today's Flower Soft challenge we were to use Black & Orange in our project.  Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how excited that made me.  I love, love, love  Halloween & all the decorations that go along with this time of year.  Fall is my absolute favorite season.  For my card I decided to use Flower Soft Ultra Fine Black to accent my cat.  I just love the effect this has & how it really makes him look "fuzzy".  It also helps showcase how Flower Soft can be used in so many more ways than just for flowers.  Don't get me wrong, I love flowers.  But sometimes it's fun to try something out of the "norm".  Please be sure to check out the other design team members @ The Flower Soft Blog.  Hope you enjoy & happy fall to all!

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