Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FSC40 Winter Blues

This week our Flower Soft challenge is titled Winter Blues.  Which is a touch fitting for me this year.  I am getting ready to have foot surgery next Monday & am already thinking about all the inconviences this is going to cause through out the winter holidays.  On a happy note, I will hopefully get this behind me & be good as new for spring activities!  Wish me luck! 

Here is my Winter Blues Card.  I used Polar White Flower Soft for his scarf & then lots of Ultra Fine White Flower Soft for the appearance of snow.  I must admit I had to add the  Ultra Fine twice in order to get the "thick" look.  I applied it one time, waited for the glue to dry then re-applied again.  It truly looks like snow now. 

Now be sure to check out the rest of the design teams creations on the Flower Soft Blog & then head over to Flower Soft & stock up on lots of Polar White & Ultra Fine White Flower Soft for all those winter projects.  If you would like to play along with this challenge you  have until November 30 to make your card and link it to the Flower Soft Blog. You could win a pot of Polar White & Delphinium Blue Flower Soft plus a Flower Soft glue.  Good luck & happy card making to all!

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